Our apartment complex pressure washing services will keep your buildings and other exterior surfaces spotless.
Maintaining a building takes a lot of work, and once an apartment complex reaches a certain size, it becomes impossible for one person to do it all themselves. If you own an apartment complex, you will need to hire professionals to help you keep it clean. Our team at Grime Fighters SoftWash has extensive experience in exterior cleaning, and we offer a great alternative to apartment complex pressure washing that will keep the buildings and other exterior areas spotless.
Instead of offering standard apartment complex pressure washing, we offer soft washing services. For those who aren’t familiar with these two methods, pressure washing uses water alone, relying on intense water pressure to remove dirt and grime from the target surfaces.
Soft washing, on the other hand, involves first treating the surface with a blend of biodegradable cleaners to loosen the grime and kill any mold, mildew, or similar contaminants. Then, we’ll spray the surface with a much lighter level of water pressure to wash all the grime away. Since mildew, algae, and the like are what cause dirt to build up on buildings and other outdoor surfaces in the first place, getting rid of them will get your complex cleaner and keep it that way much longer.
Our team is proud to serve the community in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and we want to help you protect your investment. If you are looking for a company to provide apartment complex pressure washing, we encourage you to give us a call today find out more about our services.