Get your house washed without sustaining any damage when you leave the job to us.
House pressure washing is very common among homeowners in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. And while some people might be fortunate enough not to have a bad experience with pressure washing, we ask you, why take the risk? With pressures that exceed 1,000 pounds per square inch, it’s no surprise that this cleaning method can be very damaging to a number of common materials like concrete and brick, not to mention that the equipment can be dangerous to use. If you’re looking for a better way to clean your house, we have the solution you’re looking for.
At Grime Fighters SoftWash, we offer soft washing as an alternative to traditional house pressure washing. Not only is soft washing very safe and gentle, but it’s also much longer-lasting than conventional methods because it addresses the root of the problem. To illustrate, let’s say that your house has dirt and grime on its surface. It’s true that pressure washing can remove these and improve your home’s appearance, but pretty soon, these substances will return. and you’ll be back at square one.
Instead, soft washing uses biodegradable chemicals that kill the bacteria, algae, and organic contaminants that cause the dirt and grime buildup in the first place. Since these chemicals do a thorough job of sanitizing the surface, your house will stay clean 4 to 6 times longer than it would with pressure washing.
Leave house pressure washing in the past and turn to a better solution when you trust our team to provide soft washing. Book your free estimate or contact us to learn more.
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