Choose soft washing to safely make your deck & patio look renewed.
Your patio or deck is a great place to socialize, read, eat, relax, sleep, and enjoy yourself in any other way you can think of. However, it’s much more difficult to enjoy these activities when your deck is covered in dirt, grime, insect webs, and other substances. Luckily, you don’t have to be distracted by the state of your deck or patio anymore. At Grime Fighters SoftWash, we offer exceptional deck & patio washing services to homeowners in the Appleton, Wisconsin community.
Our deck & patio washing method involves soft washing. Soft washing has been around since the 1990s and was created as a safe alternative to pressure washing. Pressure washing has been known to damage surfaces such as brick, concrete, and wood, and the results do not last a very long time, so it was necessary to find another way to wash outdoor surfaces. We know you don’t want someone to splinter your wooden deck or cause pitting in your concrete patio. To avoid damage, we use low-pressure water and biodegradable chemicals to treat contaminants like mold, mildew, algae, and bacteria that are creating stains and ruining the appearance of your deck or patio. Not only is soft washing safe, but it is also long-lasting. In fact, soft washing lasts about 4 to 6 times longer than traditional pressure washing!
We strive to exceed our customers’ expectations, so if you have any questions about our deck & patio washing service, we would be happy to answer them. Contact us today to learn more or receive a free estimate.