We offer top-notch window cleaning services that will keep your glass sparkling.
At Grime Fighters SoftWash, we want to help you keep your home, business, or other property looking its best, and we offer the high-quality exterior cleaning services you need to do just that. In particular, we can offer window cleaning services that will leave your windows clear and shining and make your building’s exterior look pristine.
The window cleaning services we offer are designed to produce a deeper, longer-lasting clean that will keep your windows looking great for as long as possible. Unlike other methods of window cleaning that only target dirt and grime, our methods focus on getting rid of mold, algae, and other contaminants, which are what cause dirt to collect on your glass in the first place. We use specialized, biodegradable cleaning solutions that target and eliminate these harmful microorganisms, and then we wash them away, along with all the dirt.
By removing these microorganisms from your window glass, we prevent more grime from accumulating and keep the glass cleaner for much longer than it would otherwise remain. If you have questions about our window cleaning services or methods, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team to get the answers you are looking for.
Our team is proud to serve the community here in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and we want to help you take the best possible care of your home or business. If you need window cleaning services to get your glass sparkling once more, just give us a call to get our experts on the job.
FAQs About Our Window Cleaning Services
One of the many services we offer here at Grime Fighters SoftWash is window cleaning. Below, we will go over some of our most frequently asked questions on the subject to help you decide if our services are right for you.
How do your window cleaning services work?
For our window cleaning services, as with all our other exterior cleaning services, we use a method known as soft washing. This method involves first treating your windows (or other target surface) with a specialized blend of cleaning products designed to emulsify dirt and grime and eliminate any mildew, algae, mildew, or other harmful organisms present on the surface. Once the cleaning solution has had time to work, our team will spray your windows down with light streams of water to wash everything away and leave your windows crystal clear.